1st Prize Winner of Posco Family Company Cricket League Cup - 2023

The annual sport function was held on dated 23rd Feb 2023, by Posco Family Company on Posco Maharashtra Steel Ground. On that day, the atmosphere of the Company took a festive look. A great interest was observed among the all employees. All of them came in a large number to enjoy the sports program. 11 team were participating in the sport program. Honorable Posco DMD Sir of Posco Maharashtra Steel was the chief guest and the Managing Director of all the family Company was the special guest. The guest arrived at 9.30 am. Before the event began, the names of the competitor teams were called out on the ground. The team players were lined up and play national anthem. Afte that, start the Cricket on the ground. We got 1st prize in the Cricket. The guest was highly pleased at our performance. They encourage us to take part in sports and games. Then DMD Sir announced the name of the prize winner. The winner was awarded prizes by the chief guest. We became very happy for getting 1st prize. After the sport, our Company MD Sir inspired the whole employee in his short speech. The sport ended at 5.30 pm. The MD sir declared lunch program on the following day with thanks to all. 

Champions never sleep, the eternal spirit keeps them alert and awake.”


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